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Streaming Platform Development

Streaming Singapore.

The YouTube experience, in addition to a final destination for users looking for videos, is also a platform and it keeps helping new small ventures to create their own media business and generating revenue. Over the red square platform many new companies have gone from zero to hero in no time . Numerous businesses that revolve around online video, leading to large channels, multi channel networks (MCNs,) and other companies of various nature.
Creators who through their videos have gained an audience and live on it, with income that can sometimes exceed 500 euros per month. However, the MCNs go further, creating a kind of ecosystem of thematic channels that place YouTube at the level of traditional television, with tens of thousands of subscribers and millions of videos played.

At the Suarez media developing Labs which are located in the Americas, customers are having meetings with team leads on a weekly basis and they arrive from countries as far as Singapore. Guillermo Ortega Regional Manager for the Intelligent Media division spends time a the labs together with is team and for the last month the firms news clients an entrepreneur from Singapore that had his eye on a piece of the MCN Children Educational Streamvison.

MCN’s have gone further, creating a kind of ecosystem of thematic channels that place YouTube at the level of traditional television, with tens of thousands of subscribers and millions of videos played. Soon the new Client Vuvu Educational Streaming Network will start streaming content that is being exclusively created for toddlers and children up to 7 years old .

Ortega Mexican engineer with years of experience in the development of streaming platforms and intelligent devices has laid a plan to the client that started from the general concept to the design development and execution of the new channel.